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Our Balloon Manufacturer Partners

FLOAT could never exist without

the generous support of our manufacturing partners.


Here's how we'd like to reward you for a job well done!


Our 2022 FLOAT Manufacturer Sponsors

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2016 TUF-TEX SINCE 1915 Logo.jpg
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As a manufacturer sponsor at FLOAT 2022, here's what you'll receive:



* Up to three (3) sponsored instructors to offer two (2) classes each, taught in two (2) different sessions each

* Up to four (4) complimentary staff member registrations, which includes all benefits entitled to any FLOAT registered attendee

* One (1) 16' by 8' booth in our Vendor Showcase

* One (1) complimentary full-color version of the 2022 Academic FLOATBook

* One (1) dedicated and branded classroom at FLOAT 2022 where your instructors will be featured exclusively**

* Two (2) full color full pages for advertisements in the FLOAT 2022 Convention Guide

* Access to the FLOAT 2022 attendee list (after the convention has ended, not prior)

* Top placement of your company link on the sponsor page of

* Complimentary ad rotation on the new and updated (releasing May 2021)

* One (1) complimentary interview on "FLOATation Device with Anthony Cooper" podcast

* Unlimited quantities of promotional materials that can be added to the FLOAT Tote

* Access to posting weekly ads and promotions in the FLOAT Convention Facebook group

* Repeated announcements of sponsorship on all FLOAT social media platforms until the convention

* Guaranteed stage time at both the Opening Night Welcome Party and DAG at FLOAT 2022

* Inclusion of logo in the slide shows at Opening Night and the DAG

* Inclusion of logo in the FLOAT Smart Stops in the hallways during FLOAT 2022

* One (1) complimentary slide of your choosing in the FLOAT Smart Stops in the hallways during FLOAT 2022

* Inclusion of logo on the back of the Convention Guide, Academic FLOATBook and FLOATation Pass Book

* Ability to sponsor complimentary product to unbranded instructors and competitors at FLOAT 2022

* Access to upgraded sponsorship opportunities, including but not limited to social event decor, tote bags, lanyards and more 

** with the academic schedule offered at FLOAT 2022, there is no guarantee that every single class your company sponsors can be taught in the dedicated classroom. All steps will be taken to insure that as many classes offered by your company will take place in your dedicated classroom.


AND as a manufacturer sponsor, you can also choose to sponsor any of our event decor opportunities:


FLOAT's Opening Night Welcome Party*** - Sunday, January 23, 2022

Projected Attendance - 600+




The Designer Awards Gala*** - Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Projected Attendance - 600+




Monday Night Beach Party NEW!*** - Monday, January 24, 2022

Projected Attendance - 600+




Saturday Night "Club L8X" Karaoke Party*** - Saturday, January 22, 2022

Projected Attendance - 250 to 300




Lobby Decor for FLOAT 2022*** - Saturday, January 22, through Wednesday, January 26, 2022




"Pops Trading Cards" FLOAT 2022 Exclusive Pack Sponsorship - $475.00




*** PLEASE NOTE if you select any of these options, price of sponsorship does not include balloon product, material costs or designer elements. Your company would be responsible for providing all of these; sponsorship fee secures the opportunity for branded promotion during the event.




© 2022 FLOAT the Convention


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